History of the Arab States of Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) in the 20 th cent. and in the Beginning of the 21 st cent.
Москва '2016
Еditor: V. Vitaly
Pakistan, South Asia, Islamic World, the East. Selected Publications (2008 – 2016)
Москва '2016
Smilianskaya Irina, Yakushev Mikhail
Syria Before and During the Young Turk Revolution in Russian Consular Reports
Москва '2015
Seyranyan Bagrat
Еditor: Filonik Aleksandr
Saudi National Festival of Heritage and Culture (1985 – 2014) (1405 – 1435). Al-Janadria
Москва '2015
History of Oriental Studies: Traditions and Modernity: Proceedings of Second All-Russian School-Conference
Москва '2015
General Editor: V. Vitaly
Еditor: Yakovlev Alexander
Transactions of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies
Москва '2015
Asadullin F.
Editor: V. Vitaly
Muslim World in Public and Cultural Space of Moscow : the Past and Nowadays
Москва '2015
General Editor: V. Vitaly
Еditor: E. Leonid
Soqotri Texts in the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences An Annotated Edition
United Kingdom '2015