Еditor: Filonik Aleksandr
Editor-compilator: Rudenko Lyudmila
Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS, issue 22
Москва '2019
Еditor: Filonik Aleksandr
Editor-compilator: Rudenko Lyudmila
Proceedings of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, issue 16
Москва '2018
Editorial Board: V. Vitaly
Migration throughout Times: from the Bronze Age to the Digital Age : a collective monograph
Барнаул '2018
Editorial Board: Kuznetsov Vasily
Reviewer: Sarabyev Alexey
Hisrory of Oriental Studies: Traditions and Modernity
Москва '2018
Dolgov Boris
Еditor: Zvyagelskaya Irina
Phenomenon of “Arab Spring” in 2011 – 2016 : Causes, Development, Prospects. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Algeria
Москва '2017