Center for Arab and Islamic Studies

Institute of Oriental Studies RAS


27 октября 2023 года

Scientific seminar "The Houthi Movement and Long-Term Factors of Yemeni History"

Scientific seminar Scientific seminar "The Houthi Movement and Long-Term Factors of Yemeni History"

On October 27, 2023, the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences held a scientific seminar on "The Houthi Movement and Long-Term Factors of Yemeni History". The keynote speaker was Timofey Aleksandrovich Bokov, PhD candidate in History at the Center, senior lecturer at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Within the framework of a thorough academic discussion, the Yemeni military-political organization Ansar Allah, also widely known in the public space as the Houthi movement and named after its founder and former leader Hussein al-Husi, was examined from different perspectives in the context of long-term factors and trends in the history of South Arabia.

The CAIS and other IOS RAS departments attended the discussion. Colleagues from other authoritative research and educational institutions of Moscow and St. Petersburg also were invited. As well as master's students of the joint educational program of the IOS RAS and the State Academic University for the Humanities "Expert and Analytical Oriental Studies. The Arab World in World Politics" also had a unique opportunity to be a part of discussion.

The moderator of the discussion was CAIS researcher Grigoriy Lukyanov. Sergey Serebrov, a CAIS senior researcher, a prominent and an authoritative researcher of the socio-political history of Yemen, played a role of the scientific discussant.

In view of the acute relevance of the topic, the scientific seminar was held in closed mode. Therefore, we draw the attention to the public lection and articles (in Russian) authored by Timofey Bokov:

Bokov T. A. The Origins and Emergence of the Houthi movement [Зарождение и становление хуситского движения] [Video] // LectOrient. Ibn Sina Foundation, 2021. (In Russ.). URL:

Bokov T. A. One Problem in the Study of the Houthi Movement (Three Сliches of anti-Houthi Propaganda). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies. 2021. Vol. 13. No. 1. P. 74–90. (In Russ.).  URL:

Bokov T.A. The Political Ideology of Huthi Movement (According to the lectures of Husayn Al-Huthi). Islam in the modern world. 2017. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 95-112. (In Russ.). URL: