23 марта 2021 года
Robert Landa Celebrates His 90th Birthday
March the 23rd was the 90th anniversary of Robert Landa. He is the chief researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies (the Russian Academy of Sciences). He is a Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
Robert Landa is a brilliant orientalist, an outstanding scientist, a representative of the Moscow school of Arabic studies. He devoted more than 60 years of his life to science. He is an eminent teaсher, lecturer, and educator. More than one generation of scientists grew up on his labours!! The academicians A.B. Kudelin, V.V. Naumkin, numerous doctors of sciences and candidates of sciences are among them.
Dear Mr. Landa!
You have made an invaluable contribution to the development of international academic relations. You have represented the Russian science several times in various parts of our world at different level events. You have earned deservedly the highest reputation in the international scientific community.
V.V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, marked your achievements in the academic field by the Letter of Gratitude. Your brilliant and remarkable work has been valued highly by Russian and foreign awards.
The entire staff of the Institute of Oriental Studies wishes you wholeheartedly inexhaustible energy and good spirits. We all congratulate you truly, cordially, and with deepest affection on this significant date, on your 90th anniversary! Happy birthday!
Robert Landa's books in the Institute of Oriental Studies catalogue.